Advokátní Koncipient/ka (Junior Associate)
DLA Piper, jedna z největších globálních advokátních kanceláří s pobočkami ve více než 40 zemích světa hledá nového kolegu či kolegyni do své pražské kanceláře! Pražská pobočka se specializuje na právní poradenství především v následujících oblastech: korporátní & obchodní právo, fúze a akvizice, nemovitosti, pracovní právo, řešení sporů, insolvence a restrukturalizace, technologické právo a regulatorika. DLA Piper hledá do svého týmu zkušeného kolegu nebo zkušenou kolegyni na pozici Koncipient/ka (Junior Associate).
Jaké kvality a zkušenosti očekáváme:
- Praxe na pozici koncipienta v advokátní kanceláři alespoň 1 rok (včetně).
- Pokročilá znalost anglického jazyka slovem i písmem (znalost dalšího jazyka výhodou).
- Odpovědnost za své výstupy a analytické myšlení
- Aktivní přístup k řešení právních problémů a toto řešení umět odprezentovat
- Schopnost týmové práce
Co za to nabízíme:
- Atraktivní finanční ohodnocení
- Mezinárodní vzdělávací program včetně mentoringu a možnosti stáží v zahraničí
- Zapojení do projektů pro mezinárodní klienty, moderní kanceláře v Panské ulici v samém centru Prahy, ale i možnost pracovat z domova
- Pravidelné navyšování platu koncipientů, stravenkový paušál, MultiSport karta, Sodexo Benefit karta, 2 sick days, 25 dní dovolené, čerstvé ovoce a občerstvení na pracovišti, pravidelné firemní akce a know-how meetingy a další.
- Získáte potřebné zkušenosti a podporu advokátů a Partnera k přípravě na advokátní zkoušky!
Připojte nám tvůj životopis v českém a anglickém jazyce a budeme se těšit na osobní setkání v samotném srdci Prahy.
About us
DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers and business service professionals located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Our global reach ensures that we can help businesses with their legal needs anywhere in the world. Our Czech clients, and those across the globe, range from start-ups to emerging multinationals and some of the biggest and best-known global brands in the world. We work with our clients locally, internationally and across borders. Our global reach and local knowledge means that we can partner with clients to drive consistency, deliver cost savings and help them identify and manage their priorities and risk across multiple locations. Also in the Czech Republic we assist our clients with acquisitions, outsourcings, expansions or reductions-in-force, local or international employee relations, data protection, local, cross-border or collective litigation, compliance, and risk management issues. We now seek talented and motivated Associate to our Corporate team in Prague.
Our values
In everything we do connected with our People, our Clients and our Communities, we live by these values:
- Be Supportive – we are compassionate and inclusive, valuing diversity and acting thoughtfully
- Be Collaborative - we are proactive, passionate team players investing in our relationships
- Be Bold - we are fearless and inquisitive, challenging ourselves to think big and find creative new solutions
- Be Exceptional - we are strategic and driven, exceeding standards and expectations
Diversity and inclusion
At DLA Piper, diversity and inclusion underpins how we live our values and everything we do. We believe that everyone has a voice, and that everyone’s voice counts. We know that the rich diversity across our firm makes us stronger, more innovative and creative, which helps us to better serve our clients and communities. We are committed to providing an inclusive working environment and culture across our global firm, where everyone can bring their authentic self to work. Diversity of perspective, thought, background and culture combine to make us the leading global law firm; that’s why we actively seek to build balanced teams. We welcome the unique contribution that you will bring to our firm and actively encourage applications from all talented people – however your talent is packaged, whatever your background or circumstance and regardless of how you identify. We support anyone with a disability or long-term health condition to ensure they can perform at their best. If you have not done so already, please let us know if you require any support so we can make the right adjustments and considerations should they be required.
Hybrid work
We recognise that people have responsibilities and interests outside of their career and that as a business, we all benefit from working flexibly. That's why we are open to discussing with candidates the different ways in which we are able to support requests for agile working arrangements.
Pre-engagement screening
In the event that we make an offer to you, and where local legislation permits and where relevant, we will conduct pre-engagement screening checks that may include but are not limited to your professional and academic qualifications, your eligibility to work in the relevant jurisdiction, any criminal records, your financial stability and work-related references.
Apply nowRequesting Adjustments
At DLA Piper, we aim to make meaningful progress and build an inclusive culture where anyone affected by disability, neurodiversity or a long-term health condition has an equitable and accessible chance of success. If you think you may need adjustments or additional support to enable you to participate in our recruitment process, please contact our Recruitment team and we will be happy to support you.
Agile Working
We recognise that people have responsibilities and interests outside of their career and that as a business, we all benefit from working flexibly. That’s why we are open to discussing with candidates the different ways in which we are able to support requests for agile working arrangements.
Pre-Engagement Screening
In the event that we make an offer to you, and where local legislation permits, we will conduct pre-engagement screening checks that may include but are not limited to your professional and academic qualifications, your eligibility to work in the relevant jurisdiction, any criminal records, your financial stability, and references from previous employers.
Our hiring approach
Our hiring approach enables us to learn about the professional and person you are, and gives you the opportunity to learn about us. Your recruitment experience can differ depending on the type of role you are interviewing for. You will always meet your direct Line Manager for your role, as well as peers and close collaborators for the position. For some of our roles we may also use assessment tools, practical exercises, and panel presentations. Your Recruitment Business Partner will inform you of the recruitment process at the start of any recruitment process, but please let us know if you have any questions prior to making an application.

We’re redefining what an international law firm can be. With a unique global network and an unparalleled range of expertise, this is where you’ll work on the cases that shape the world and will define your career.
Talent Community
Staying in touch with like-minded people is important to us. Our Talent Community provides unique access to our firm so you can discover why we are a different kind of law firm.
Business Professionals
We pride ourselves on the extraordinary impact we make beyond the borders of traditional law. That’s only possible because of the skills our business professionals bring and the environment we create to let them thrive. See where your skills could take you.